
發現作業截止日時, 只有一天不到的時間完成, 最後我還是在時間內完成了! 人的潛力真是無窮/_\........

ps. 某日在交完作業後, 在畫彩圖時, 旁邊同學在聊天, 說最討厭packet系列的作業了, 另一個回答, 對啊~so stupid. 唉~同樣的東西, 換到別人那卻是不同的心情看待.


Chapter2  Packet

1. In your own words, describe what happens next in the design process afterthe problem is defined.

2. In you own words, describe several approaches a designer can take to synthesize possible design solutions.

3. Why is it important to evaluate the effectiveness of an implemented design?

4. Explain the difference between static fit, dynamic fit, and fit used to maintain appropriate social distance and private space.

5.social zone- find a picture of an interior space that is appropriate for informal, social, or business transactions.


6. public zone - find a picture of an interior space that is acceptable for formal behavior and hierarchical relationships.

public zone  

7. personal space - find a picture of an interior space that is conducive to private conversations.


8. take the floor plan from the condo you are designing. sketch in your paths of movement through the space with arrows(attach to this packet). do the spaces flow together well? is the space too open? is there enough spatial definition and privacy?

9. examine the public areas in the condo you are designing. explain how your space responds to both the functional and aesthetic criteria.

10. Ching put it so well, "despite rapid advances in digital imaging technology, drawing with a free hand holding a pen or pencil remains the most intuitive means we have for graphically recording observations, thoughts, and experiences."

Sketch a piece of furniture of your own creation. Pull inspiration from a  fashion designer and design featured in the Pantone color forescast 2011



這題滿酷的, 看時裝設計來創作一件傢俱.




發現這學期室內設計II的作業太多系列, 所以我就分三系列(主題)來延伸吧:

1. packets : 結合textbook的作業

2. discussion board: 和同學及老師發表及討論的作業

3. projects : 室內設計專案發表的作業


Packets - 這部份主要是結合textbook, 然後老師會在學校的線上網站(blackboard)登出作業. 

Chapter 1 Packet

原以為space packet distributed只是個open book的線上考試(有一部份是), 結果大錯特錯, 除此之外, 還有一大部份是去搜集並分析解釋找到的資料. 我花了快一天才搞懂這個作業, 然後再花個幾小時才找到圖, 接下來就要頭大的寫英文來分析解釋了.

這個作業讓我因此找到好多令人熱血的好設計, 也從中刺激靈感和學會去看設計的目的, 還有設計的元素,作用和功能.

先放上作業的原文和我找到的資料, 作業真的爆多的, 有空我再回頭來翻譯和說明@@.

1. provide an example of a spatial transition that mediates between the inside and outside environment.



2. provide an example of an exterior wall that forms a connection.



3. provide an example of an exterior wall that creates a defining edge.



4. find an interior picture of a room and label the linear, planar, and volumetric elements in the room. (label-volume, space, plane, and line)



5. provide an example of an interior room where color, texture, or pattern on the wall, floor, or ceiling surfaces affect our perception of their relative positions in the space.



6. find a picture of a furnished interior room and describe how the furniture creates a spatial relationship between itself and the surrounding environment.



7. find an example of a room where the architectural elements de-emphasize the centrality of a aquare space.



8. provide an example of an interior room where windows or doorways establish contact with the surrounding spaces.

10.2-Liyuan Library  


9. provide an example of a window and describe its effect on the interior environment. use terminology described on page 30.



10. provide an example of a stairway and describe its effect on the interior environment. use terminology described on page 31.






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    a cat's cooky


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