Sampson發現那男孩似乎非常快速的寫考題, 好像這些考題非常容易似的. 他想..如果這孩子可以做到, 他也可以.  Sampson noticed, however, that the boy seemed to speed through the questions as if they were really easy. He figured if this kid could do that, he could,too.

永遠都會有像這樣的人, 你可以選擇讓他們阻礙你, 或是你不理會它, 繼續做你想做的事. There will always be people like that. You can either let them hold you back, or you can ignore them and go on and do your thing.

我不知道該怎麼做?..... 不會太困難, 只要盡你的全力, 避免讓你自己惹上麻煩, 有一天, 這扇門會為你而開.  I don't know how? It's not very hard. Just do your best, keep your nose out of trouble, and one day the doors will open for you.

從我發現了我下半輩子想做的事後, 從它開始到實現, 花了我幾乎是14年的辛苦努力和犧牲, 但是, 沒有任何事比實現夢想還要更快樂的了! I had found what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. It took almost fourteen years of hard work and sacrifice from the day it first started to its accomplishment, but nothing is sweeter than making a dream come true.


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    a cat's cooky


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