昨天真是豐收的一天 (雖然差點暈車(電車)到吐...)!!

在我決定做些什麼事後, 我便開始提出些問題, 然後上網找答案, 在這過程中, 給了我滿滿的希望和力量!!!

簡短講一下大網, 我想知道會不會年齡太大來做某些事, 幸運的找到很多人問了同樣的問題, 而每個人的答案全部都是正面的, 和台灣人真的相當不同, 我覺得台灣網路上很多垃圾回覆, 還有在想法上還是很負面, 雖然現實生活在台灣的確往往的確是如此!  以下就是我抄了些我很感動的回答跟大家分享.

How old is too old to start ....?

You're never too old, I'm 45 and my husband is 47 and we are both in school to get our RN. My husband just retired from the air force and is starting career in nursing. I graduate in May 0'8 and he will be done 12/09 and 49 years young. I say go for it.

I don't believe you are ever too old.

You're at a great age and time in your life to pursue a goal....

You are never too old. My dad got his Master's degree at age 72. A good friend of mine went to med school in her 50's. If you think something is for you, go for it, and don't let anyone tell you are too old for anything!!




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